About Us

About Us

What is NVIS Investments?
— we are a Pan-African Multi-Sector Investment & Development Service.
We specialize in facilitating investments into Africa providing our clients with a platform to engage in foreign and direct investments (FDI) into companies and development projects across the continent.

Why Choose Us

Our investment platform is enhanced by our team of experts, who actively support government backed development projects in Africa.

Business Consultancy

We provide business consultancy and seed funding to start-up businesses in Africa.​
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Expert Consultants

Our valuable network of partner agencies, means we are able to identify early opportunities for invesment to our clients. 

Global Investment

We provide opportunities for private investors from throughout the globe to invest in Africa.

We are Proponents of Africapitalism….

"Africapitalism is the economic philosophy that the African private sector has the power to transform the continent through long-term investments, creating both economic prosperity and social wealth. Enshrined in the philosophy is the theory of creating shared value. The central premise being that the competitiveness of a company and the health of the communities around it are mutually dependent."

Our Location

Our UK headquarters are based  London. Our African office;  Nakirfa Ventures Ltd is located in Accra Ghana. Our Ghana office work in conjunction with local partners and management  teams in Africa and across the world.

UK Headquarters

+44 (0)7828 028877

Ghana Headquarters

+ 233 24564 3589




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